How to Use Background Noise to Improve Learning

A noisy work or study environment can be extremely distracting, especially for anyone who has trouble with reading, writing, spelling, or comprehension. Not only do noises pull attention away from the task at hand, but nearby conversations, television, or music can compete for the brain’s resources and actually cause you to write what you hear instead of what you initially intended. If you have a noisy environment that is not in your control to quiet, try these tricks to muffle distracting sounds and help you focus.

Sound machines are well-known to many for their use in helping people fall asleep and sleep more soundly, but they can also help cancel out distracting noises during waking hours. Choose a sound machine that has a variety of sounds (so that you can find one that appeals to you) and also utilizes a variety of frequencies for sound output. The use of several frequencies will ensure that your sound machine can cancel out a wide range of noises.

Although singing and music with lyrics can be distracting and hijack your phonological loop, instrumental tunes have been found to aid focus. Classical music is the standard “go-to” for many students, but any genre that is enjoyable and relaxing for you will work. If you don’t like Classical music, try Jazz, Blues, or Contemporary instrumentals and see what grabs you.

If you don’t have access to a sound machine and don’t like working to music, try searching online for videos made with natural sounds or soothing tones - there is a wide demand for this type of video, and you’ll find everything from gentle rain to creaky pirate ship sounds!

It’s not always easy to control the sounds in your environment, but you can cancel them out and make them less distracting. Give it a try, and see how your depth of focus, memory, and attention span improve.


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