Vision, Mission, Values


Eaton Arrowsmith works collaboratively to ensure the wellbeing and safety of our students through Nonviolent Communication, mindfulness practices, and the importance of strong community relationships, which foster a safe school environment. We strongly believe that every student deserves an education free from discrimination, bullying, harassment, intimidation and violence. Our goal is to create a community where each child feels safe, accepted and respected, regardless of their gender, race, culture, religion or sexual orientation.

Eaton Arrowsmith Vancouver staff members have received ERASE (Expect Respect & a Safe Education) training and implement and support the use of this important program in our schools.



Empowering positive change.


To provide compassionate learning communities, built on integrity, trust, and growth, that empower positive change.

Core Values

  • Fairness

  • Immediacy

  • Respect

  • Safety

  • Trust