Ways to Ease Your Child Back into a School Routine

Summer vacation is always tough to give up - and the fact that kids have to give up their freedom in favor of homework probably doesn’t help! But there are some easy ways to make the transition easier on you and your child so that the first day of school can be as calm, positive, and anxiety-free as possible.

First, if you have relaxed bedtime routines over the summer, reinstate a set bedtime routine for your child. Have them go to bed at the same time they will have to go to bed in preparation for school. Start practicing any other school night routines as well - like choosing an outfit, packing lunch, or getting school supplies ready for the next day. This will help get everyone in the family back into good habits and will set everyone up for a calm first morning before school.

You may have already guessed the next tip: reinstating a regular wake-up time. A few weeks before school starts, begin waking your child up at the time they will have to get up for school. Nothing can ruin chances at an easy first day of school like waking up groggy and cranky. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps reset your child’s circadian rhythm, which means they will be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by the time they have to go off to school. You can also have them practice their morning routine so that everything is familiar for the big day.

To round out your pre-back-to-school routine, try giving your child some “homework” to review topics from last year’s classes. These don’t have to be very difficult or time consuming; the idea is to ease them back into academia gradually. Reviewing last year’s subject matter will help your child remember what they learned and also get them back in the habit of thinking academically.

Change is usually tough for everyone - and back-to-school is no different. You can help your child ease into these changes by spreading them out over a period of time. Practice your nighttime routine, go to bed on time, wake up early, practice your morning routine, and review academic subjects to make back-to-school less jarring for everyone in the family.


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