The Importance of Symbol Relations in Cognitive Development

Eaton Arrowsmith - Summer Program

Symbol Relations

Symbol Relations is a higher-order cognitive function that is responsible for understanding and connecting ideas. It is involved in tasks that enable an individual to reason using logic and to connect and process complex relationships and concepts simultaneously. 

The Symbol Relations cognitive function is necessary to understand the world, oneself, and others. With that being said, enhancing the Symbol Relations cognitive capacity empowers individuals to better comprehend and engage.  

According to Norman Doidge, the author of 'The Brain That Changes Itself,' the training provided by Arrowsmith Program, which enhances the brain's processing abilities related to reasoning and rationality, can be considered one of the most significant and valuable advancements for our world, which faces intricate challenges.

Benefits of Improving the Symbol Relations Cognitive Function

Enhancing the Symbol Relations cognitive function can bring about substantial advantages in individuals' daily lives. It can bolster comprehension and understanding, augment communication skills, and promote emotional intelligence and social awareness.

Comprehension & Understanding

  • Understands information and grasps concepts more quickly

  • Understands jokes, puns, and is more quick-witted

  • Improved cause-effect reasoning

  • More accurate grasp of the nuances of a situation

  • Discerns what is relevant in a situation

  • Greater comprehension of material read, heard, or observed

  • Improved school performance

  • Improved workplace performance


  • Improved oral communication

  • More present in conversations demonstrating greater understanding of what is being discussed

  • More curious, asking questions, and has a greater interest in learning

  • Asks questions relevant and appropriate to the situation

  • Improvement in use of language and vocabulary

  • More articulate and better able to explain ideas or thoughts

Emotional Intelligence/Engagement/Social Awareness

  • Greater understanding and expression of emotions

  • More reflective in challenging situations

  • Increased understanding of the consequences of behaviour

  • Able to better understand social situations

  • More responsible

  • Demonstrates an increased ability to take control of one’s life

The Summer Cognitive Intensive Program

The Summer Cognitive Intensive Program offers an excellent opportunity for students who may be unable to participate in our onsite or online programs for an entire school year to undergo similar cognitive transformations within a summer timeframe.

Students use the analog clock in order to stimulate the brain's ability to understand relationships among more and more pieces of information.  Once one's reasoning improves, and connections can be made with greater ease, students are tasked with understanding these relationships in less time. ​​The multi-handed clock is just an avenue by which a student can start to improve reasoning, executive functioning/attention, working memory and processing speed.  

Once the brain's capacity has developed, it can be used in all areas of life that require that capacity, such as planning, problem solving, organization, reading comprehension, math problems, cause and effect thinking and social interaction - to name a few!

Parent story - Stephanie’s recollection of her daughter’s time at EA Redmond’s Summer Cognitive Intensive Program.

Our Cognitive Intensive Program can help kids, university/college students, adults, and working professionals seeking an enhanced ability to learn and understand information more deeply, accurately, and quickly in just 6 to 8 weeks. 

Learn more about Arrowsmith’s Cognitive Intensive Program, registration is now open for Spring/Summer 2023.


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