How to Transition a Special Education Child to a New School Year

Starting a new school year can be stressful for anyone; starting a new school year with a learning disability can be even more difficult as challenges with attention, memory, following directions, and social comprehension are brought to the fore. However, these trying changes can be mitigated by following these 3 simple steps.

First, talk with your child and their new teachers to set expectations on both ends. Give your child’s new teacher an overview of your child’s most recent challenges and achievements, and share the types of strategies that have been successful. Also sit down with your child and let them know what changes they can expect. Explain that there will be a new teacher to listen to, and that they will have to learn some new rules, but that everyone will be happy and proud of them for adapting to the new routine.

Once you have set expectations, you can also ease into the new year gradually by providing previews of the new classroom and school. Join school orientations - or, if your child has social anxiety, try scheduling an individual tour. You can also ask your new teacher or principal for a picture book so your child can get familiar with new faces, rooms, and grounds. Previewing these changes will make the first days and weeks of school much less scary and jarring for a child with a learning disability.

Finally, get your child into a daily rhythm that simulates a school day. Start getting up at the same time you would normally get up to go to school. Establish a before- and after-school routine that you will be able to continue once school starts. You may even schedule study and playtime at the same time of day as the school does. Creating these routines will take some of the “unknown” elements out of the school day, help your child anticipate the sequence of events, and decrease anxiety.

Although a new school year can challenge your child with many new and unexpected faces, rules, directions, and names to learn, many of these challenges can be mitigated by setting expectations, previewing the school, and establishing a school-like routine at home.


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